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Monday, February 14, 2011

Scrabble Ladies and Friday nights

Fairies and butterflies at home
This past Friday, I played Scrabble™ with a group of eight women.  We all sat around a large wooden dining room table in an 18th century farm house and played three games.  Some of these women have been playing since 1998 on a biweekly basis.  I have been part of this wonderful group of Scrabble™ players for the past several years.  We all live in the same village and share a passion for Scrabble™.  Of course, we have our own rules for the game, which include: using cheat sheets with two and three letter words, helping each other by giving clues for extending words already on the board and generally cheering each other on.  The location of the Scrabble™ meetings changes each time as we rotate through our homes.  We generally serve food and a variety of drinks, including wine if it has been a particularly long week.

When we played a few nights ago, we were so happy to be together!  It had been several weeks since the last game because of a long series of snowstorms and icy driveway problems.  After playing three games of Scrabble™, we just sat and talked about things like vacations, seeing spirit orbs in old farmhouses, new movies and some local news.  I really admire our group because there is absolutely no gossip.  We never talk about anyone who is not present at the meeting unless they are ill and in need of support.  My house is next and I am looking forward to it already!
Here’s a link to a free word game very similar to Scrabble™ that I’ve been playing a lot with my mom and some friends online and it has REALLY improved my game on Friday nights!  You can set up your own games here if you don’t have the good fortune to have your own Scrabble™ Ladies group in your hometown.

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