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Monday, September 17, 2012

Talking to Spirit

When we were walking on the tow path yesterday, my friend Maricie spotted a tiny, tiny turtle probably less than 1 inch long. It looked like a small, dark  stone. I wonder if noticing  the small  gifts from nature is our  reminder that we are all one. In fact seemingly disparate things can all be connected. For instance,  we were walking, the tiny  turtle appears, a beautiful day and we were talking about change and new growth. I also dreamt about sea turtles the night before our walk.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dreams and multi-dimensionality

turtle dream
Last night I dreamt about a dear friend and we had a lovely time attending a gathering of our friends. I just called us this morning and she reported that she felt the such comfort during her dream last night. She stated that she felt angel wings had enveloped her during the night. Is it a coincidence that I called her today and we were able to make this connection? I don't think so. I feel like the dimensions are melding together and time is shifting. Multi- dimensionality is becoming more real. We can dream something at night and confirm it the next day.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Dragonfly and wings of light

dragonfly feeding swarm
Last night we invited friends over for dinner. It had been a very warm summer day and there had been  lots of mosquitoes and biting insects during the day.  Just as our guests arrived, I looked through the window and saw swarms of big black bugs swirling around Pixie's head. She did not seem to mind the bugs but just in case, I used the cow bell to call both dogs into the house. They are well trained to come in quickly once the bell is rung. I guess we should call it a dog bell at this point.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

turtle face

I received wonderful feed back about my recent blog post  about the turtle. Many folks seem to resonate with the idea of  moderating their energy and moving  ahead more slowly now. So perhaps this is exactly where we need to be just poking out of our shell and really taking time before we have to make the bigger decisions.