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Sunday, November 27, 2011

two dog thanksgiving

two dog holiday
On Thursday, I was speaking with a dear friend and she informed me that she was having a three dog Thanksgiving.  She was defining the holiday by the number of dogs present and not the people. I thought that was awesome. So I redefined my Thanksgiving as a two dog holiday.  Before the holiday approached, I was asked frequently what my plans for Thursday were. Since it was simply my husband and myself sharing a special day. I felt a little bit awkward saying that we were celebrating on our own.

Actually, we have a lovely day where we get up leisurely, read or create for awhile, take a walk and then go to a new movie. This year we chose to see Hugo. It was a film about dreams, a special  train station and the early days of the french cinema. It is created in 3D which can have magical effects when done properly. ie. Avatar. This movie was quite good and we felt that we were transported to a magical place for awhile.
Then we went home and enjoyed a quiet dinner with Pixie and Roxie. We had the roasted chicken and they had the raw chicken livers. It was a lovely two dog holiday. I hope that you enjoyed yours as well.

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