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Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring and gratitude for breast Cancer

purple iris
This spring is so beautiful.  I don't know if it is because the winter felt so very long or it was the continuing fallout  of Hurricane Sandy. Whatever, it is I am so grateful for  the string of  beautiful and  sunny NJ days that we have been experiencing. There are no mosquitos, an abundance of flowering trees and green growth everywhere. I just want to be outside all of the time. I want to eat vegetables and fruits and live a balanced healthy life for ever. And yet sometimes that is not enough.

I spoke candidly to a friend of mine today. She talked about the awful  trials  that she has gone through in the last 6 months and how much she has learned. She said that" I did not know how to heal myself  any other way. I did not know how to shift and clean up  my life and I needed to do it".

She is a very wise woman who has lived with death and fear for the past few months and is so much stronger and more authentic  as a result of her experiences. Cancer is a very powerful teacher.  She has gratitude for her cancer and is living with it daily. It is the act of gratitude that is so powerful for all of us right now. We can be grateful for Spring, Cancer, fresh strawberries or anything else that brings in our wisdom, healing and joy.

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