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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Every Little Thing

Turtle Things
I have been having a hard time healing from a cough/cold/achey event that I came down with about one week ago. I know that this could  be the flu or it could be a cough/cold/ achey thing. The latter has much less symbolic meaning to it than the former description. Sometimes, when we don't label something, it is easier to heal.  When  we establish new neural pathways than we can create easier shifts in our well being.

 I have taken  21 days off from my practice and decided that I needed to heal myself on multiple levels. Indeed that is what I am doing and  it is a challenging  and exciting journey.

Every day, I seem to wake up with new small insights about this path. Today I am acknowledging every little thing that I do well. It is so much easier to absorb that we shoveled snow for our neighbor than to say we won the Nobel Prize.........
So for today, I am grateful that I wrote up this blog post.... and had a cup of tea.

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