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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Spiritual Warriors- Living Out Of The Box

Frog Breath
From a very young age, I have  felt that I have been able to see the larger picture. Some people are just naturally good with the details and I have been much better with seeing the vastness. So today, I would like to suggest that my blog posts are leading you to become spiritual warriors.

 When you read these blog posts, you may be  inspired to use one or two of my suggestions. In time, you  may even  forget them.....  I would like to think  that  all  of our learning is cumulative and that we never really forget our true journey.  I believe that our true journey is to remain  authentically connected to ourselves and others. On this journey, we may  even find moments of happiness.

Sometimes, we remember and sometimes we forget but we always continue.

And sometimes, you simply need to hang on for dear life.

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