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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The ninth wonder of the world

another wonder
My Uncle Harry, at 94, joined my meditation class at the Martin and Edith Stein Assisted Living facility . I have blogged before about this special class that I am teaching on Wednesdays to the residents. I have been doing this for the past  three months and despite my repeated invitations, Uncle Harry has refused to attend.
Today was different........

By the time that  I got there, he was already seated in the class with the 6  women that regularly attended.  Usually, we  focus upon  anxiety reduction techniques and a meditation. Today was different. We talked about  childhood memories. The group  reminisced about  the many ways that bathtubs were used if you were lucky enough to have one. They stored food with ice for parties, allowed once a week bathing  and at times held a live carp for making gefilte fish. If you want to read a great story about this,  please read
 The Carp in the Bathtub   by Barbara Cohen and illustrated by  Joan Halpern.   

Uncle Harry , who has had difficulty speaking for the past couple of years, was sharing along with everyone else.  In fact, I have not heard him talk this much since he entered the Assisted Living facility.
All the women were cheering him on as he bravely communicated  facts about his life.
I was in awe.............


PosiPaws said...

That is so awesome Audrey! Sounds like he is becoming a bit more comfortable :)

Love Makes a Family, LLC said...

Yes it is. It is a big change.