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Monday, August 21, 2017

Post Eclipse Selfishness

There was so much energy around the eclipse that just hours after it is over, I feel  a great void. The visual of the eclipse was hardly noticeable in Sarasota.  However I  did feel tremendous amounts of energy leading up to the event  and it made it challenging to sit still, sleep, and  focus. Yet I found that I was able to have more intense physical work outs in the gym with very little effort. These are my thoughts post eclipse and clearly indicate how much things have already shifted.

What no longer works?
Words are less effective in communication.
Finding the right word is often impossible and it is not due to rampant dementia
Giving our power to others
Helping someone else to make you feel better
Saying repeated affirmations
Healing the world
Understanding yourself through your emotions
Mind reading
Being aggressive about getting what you want

What really works?
Clear actions
Using fewer words
Being selfish
Tapping into our feelings
Asking for help clearly
Healing ourselves only
Enjoying ourselves as much as possible
Allowing good fortune to come to us

So much has shifted and will continue to shift as our personal shadows come to the surface and  we see them clearly. Being selfish is the challenge of our times. We have let others determine what that means. It is time to enjoy our wonderful gift of incarnation and truly enjoy this beautiful planet and all the life upon it. As I write this, There are two beautiful Ibis birds right outside my window. They are such lovely birds with  long narrow pink beaks and pure white feathers.
Enjoy your day.

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